spent 24 years in the USAF, all in the USAFSS/ESC. Retired in August of
82 as a CMSgt. Carol and I have 9 children
between us, 31 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. Since
leaving the military I drove a truck for Dean Foods for 13 years, and worked
for the State of Florida
as a driver’s license examiner. Retired 1 January 2008 due to
medical conditions. I have had a ruptured disc replaced, 4-way by-pass,
carotid artery surgery, stints put in both legs and my groin, and last February
had a craniotomy to stop a brain bleed. Presently I suffer from arteriosclerosis
throughout my body, and also a severe case of neurocardiogenic
syncope. Through all these medical problems the Good Lord has blessed me, and
I am doing just fine. Blessed to be here and roaring to go. Both
Carol and I enjoyed the 2008 reunion so much (our first) that we started
making plans the next week for the next year's reunion. Praying the
Lord will see fit for us to go.